I’ve decided to start a new little blog section I’m calling Good Eats.
I wouldn’t consider myself a foodie and I’m far from a good cook. I do however have a new found appreciation for “good for you” food and would love to get better at bringing more of it into my life.
So working out of my house means that I’m eating lunch at my desk 90% of the time. What I usually have is leftover from the night before ….translation something heavy like pasta with a pink cream sauce with steak or chicken (my Thomas & Evans are big on pasta & protein not so much veggie). Well, the pasta is now really showing on my ass and thighs and I’ve got to DITCH THE COMFORT FOOD and bring on the veggies!!!!
I’m going to start sharing some of my recipes that actually taste good and are easy to make. Come on, hop on board!
Here’s my first attempt! Lunch at home today.

half or whole bag of spinach
shredded parm
cherry tomatoes
*black lentils
1-2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
(*cook these the night before. Simmer for 45 min in chicken or vegetable stock serve with a piece of fish and it’s super yummy)
1. Mix everything together
2.Heat for 30-45 seconds in the micro
3. serve, DELISH!